Take-Up Stroke Fellow position

The British and Irish Association of Stroke Physicians (BIASP), invite applications for a Republic of Ireland Take-Up Stroke Fellow –TUSF.
This is an excellent opportunity for career development for an SpR/Registrar interested in working and developing a special interest in stroke.
Currently there are 12 fellows from across the UK/Northern Ireland who promote Stroke Medicine as a career pathway with the purpose to increase uptake into the specialty. The role, responsibilities and benefits are outlined in the attached document.
Fellows must be BIASP members and have a Sponsor/BIASP full member recommendation.
Please note that the deadlines outlined in the attached document here have been extended to support a ROI applicant.
The application process is as follows Applicant steps to complete
- Complete essay- on future stroke recruitment
- Get Sponsor statement
- Enclose a copy of your CV