Registrar in Clinical Neurophysiology Position, St James’s Hospital, Dublin
Applications are invited for a registrar in clinical neurophysiology position at St. James’s Hospital, Dublin, commencing in July 2025. This post will provide exposure to many aspects of clinical neurophysiology…

Epilepsy fellow at Beaumont hospital (1 year) from July 2025
The successful candidate will gain extensive experience in clinical epileptology, epilepsy monitoring, and surgical epilepsy, with opportunities for clinical research. All enquires to Prof. Norman Delanty at normandelanty@beaumont.ie

Applications invited for Postdoctoral Researcher – Deadline 5 August.
Postdoctoral Researcher in Animal Behaviour, Assistive Technology and Epilepsy position.

Clinical Research Fellow position at National Prion Clinic/ MRC Prion Unit, UCL
Applications invited for a Clinical Research Fellow position at the National Prion Clinic, UCL, London

Clinical Research Fellow position at MRC Prion Unit, London
Applications are invited for a Clinical Research Fellow position at the MRC Prion Unit, School of Life & Medical Sciences, University College London.

New Research Registrar position in Vascular Neurology
Applications are invited for a Research Registrar Position in Vascular Neurology at Tallaght University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

Applications invited for Neurology Registrar positions
Applications are invited for two Neurology Registrar positions at Tallaght University Hospital, commencing on 10th July 2023. Each position will be for one year duration. To apply for a position…

Neuro-ophthalmology Clinical Fellow
Neuro-ophthalmology Clinical Fellow, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London