Hospitals / Departments of Neuroscience in Ireland, Northern Ireland and abroad.

Sligo University Hospital and the Research and Education Foundation
Sligo University Hospital is an acute general hospital in Sligo, Ireland. It is managed by Saolta University Health Care Group. The Research and Education Foundation at Sligo University Hospital is…

Our Lady’s Children’s Hospital, Crumlin
Children’s Health Ireland at Crumlin is an acute paediatric teaching hospital employing approximately 1900 WTE staff. It is Ireland’s largest paediatric hospital and is responsible nationally for the provision of the majority of quarternary and tertiary healthcare services for children.

Ulster Hospital, Dundonald
The Ulster Hospital is the major acute hospital for the Trust and delivers the full range of acute services for the population. This includes a type 1 Emergency Department which is open 24/7, a comprehensive range of diagnostic services, the full range of outpatient, inpatient and daycase medical and surgical services, cancer care, coronary care, obstetrics and paediatric services.

Cork University Hospital
Cork University Hospital (CUH) is a model 4 tertiary referral centre and University teaching hospital. The hospital is a public hospital owned and managed by the Health Service Executive (HSE) and is a member of the South/South West Hospital Group.

Connolly Hospital Blanchardstown
Connolly Hospital is a major teaching and health promoting hospital providing a range of services to a diverse population covering the communities of West Dublin, North Kildare and South County Meath.

Irish National CJD Surveillance Unit (INCJDSU)
The Irish National Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease Surveillance Unit (INCJDSU), is based in Beaumont Hospital, Dublin

Mater Hospital
The Mater Hospital offers an inpatient service, including diagnostic testing for neurological conditions and support for their management. Their outpatient service includes movement disorder, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis and stroke clinics.

St. Luke’s General Hospital, Kilkenny
St. Luke’s General Hospital, Kilkenny is the Acute General Hospital that services the counties Carlow and Kilkenny. Due to its location in the heart of the South East, St. Luke’s General Hospital in addition to the counties of Carlow and Kilkenny, also provides services to its bordering counties: Tipperary North and South, Waterford, Wexford, Kildare and Laois.

The Mercy University Hospital, Cork
For over 150 years The Mercy University Hospital has been caring for the sick and injured and has been a place of respite for the aged and infirm. It has been a place of healing, comfort and compassion and has been a progressive and innovative hospital whilst maintaining its voluntary ethos of supporting and caring for its patients.

Tallaght University Hospital
“We are here to care for you, when you need us, all 3,000 of us with the expertise, specialities and equipment to deliver exemplary care. It’s about people caring for people and with every interaction at Tallaght University Hospital, healthcare moves on just another little bit. From the day to day routine procedures, to ground-breaking new ones, we have a wealth of skills and resources at your service.”

Altnagelvin Area Hospital
Altnagelvin Area Hospital is an acute hospital which offers a range of services, including a 24-hour Accident and Emergency Department and is one of Northern Ireland’s five designated cancer units. It has 472 inpatient beds and 36 day case beds.

Royal Victoria Hospital
The Royal Victoria Hospital treats more than 80,000 people as inpatients and 350,000 people as outpatients every year. The hospital provides local services to the people of Belfast and a large number of regional specialist services to people from across Northern Ireland.

Galway University Hospital
Galway University Hospitals, comprising of University Hospital Galway (UHG) and Merlin Park University Hospital (MPUH), provide a comprehensive range of services to emergency and elective patients on an inpatient, outpatient and day care basis across the two sites.

St. Vincent’s University Hospital
The Department of Neurology provides both inpatient and outpatient care to people with neurological conditions. St Vincent’s Hospital run 16 outpatient clinics per week which include general neurology clinics and specialist clinics in MS, Parkinson’s, migraine and dystonia. They also run a migraine clinic in association with the Migraine Association of Ireland.

Craigavon Area Hospital
Craigavon Area Hospital provides a wide range of acute inpatient services and outpatients services.

Beaumont Hospital
The aim of Beaumont Hospital is to deliver the highest quality of care to their patients, excellent training to students and a friendly, stimulating and professional environment for staff.

St James’s Hospital
St James’s Hospital is Irelands largest acute academic teaching hospital and is based in Dublin’s south inner city. The fundamental purpose is the delivery of health treatment, care and diagnosis as well as health promotion and preventative services at local, regional and national levels. St James’s academic partner is Trinity College Dublin.

Massachusetts General Hospital
Guided by the needs of patients, the mission of Massachusetts General Hospital is to be the leading academic neurology department by providing superior clinical care, while rapidly discovering treatments to reduce and eliminate the devastating impact of neurological disorders.

Walton Centre
The Walton Centre is the only specialist hospital trust in the UK dedicated to providing comprehensive neurology, neurosurgery, spinal and pain management services.

UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology
The UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology has a world class reputation for neuroscience. The mission is to translate neuroscience discovery research into treatments for patients with neurological diseases. A number of important research centres are based at the Institute, including the International Centre for Genomic Medicine in Neuromuscular Diseases and the Wellcome Centre for Human Neuroimaging.