Consultant Neurologist position at St. James’ Hospital Dublin

Applications are invited for a Consultant Neurologist position at St. James’ Hospital Dublin.
This is a full time permanent position
Purpose of the role
The successful candidate will join the existing team of consultant neurologists delivering a range of services at St James’s Hospital.
The appointee will lead the inclusion health neurology/epilepsy service based in SJH and develop community outreach and integration with the inclusion health service in the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, with an aim to improve access to epilepsy and neurology care for vulnerable populations throughout the city of Dublin as detailed in the Slaintecare program for the development of modernized care pathways for epilepsy
Application Process
To apply for this position, please submit an updated Curriculum Vitae by e-mail to .
Alternatively, please forward a letter of application with CV to Medical Workforce Unit, HR Directorate, Hospital 1 Top Floor, St. James’s Hospital. The closing date for applications is 18 February 2024.
For informal enquiries please contact: Prof David Bradley, Clinical Lead and Consultant Neurologist: Email: ( and/or
Dr Elisabeth Doran, Consultant Neurologist: Email: (
For further details of the position please click here