iPASTAR – RCSI/Beaumont Hospital Research Symposium, February 24th
The joint RCSI/Beaumont Hospital Research Symposium will take place on 24th of February 2023.
The Symposium title is ‘The vision for a comprehensive stroke care pathway in Ireland’ and will be led by the iPASTAR (Improving pathways for acute stroke and rehabilitation) research team and include keynote speeches from leaders in the Stroke Community, Prof Peter Kelly (UCD), Prof Rónán Collins (Tallaght University Hospital) and Dr. Susan Power (Beaumont Hospital).
iPASTAR (Improving pathways for acute stroke acute and rehabilitation) is a collaborative doctoral training award funded by the Health Research Board of Ireland, Collaborative Doctoral Awards Programme 2019, and hosted by RCSI and UCD, it is Led by Prof. David Williams (RCSI) and Prof. Frances Horgan (RCSI).
The four iPASTAR PhD research scholars will present an update on their projects, which focus on delivery of stroke care for patients, from the hospital, to rehabilitation in the community, and living well after stroke. Symposium participants will hear from PPI partners and hear perspectives from a stroke survivor on their experience of life after stroke and being involved in iPASTAR.
Full programme details will be available shortly.
Should you have any specific queries please contact Anne Moore, iPASTAR, DCA Programme Manager at amoore@rcsi.ie