Polio Survivors Ireland
Polio Survivors Ireland works to maintain the independence and dignity of polio survivors, supporting them at work, in the home and otherwise.
Our Core Objectives are to create awareness and provide information on the needs of polio survivors and on Post Polio Syndrome and to support and advocate on behalf of all polio survivors in Ireland.
Polio Survivors Ireland is a registered charity, CHY 11356 and a company limited by guarantee not having a share capital, registered in Ireland, No. 354283.
Our Guiding Principles
- We are member led and polio survivors are central to our work
- Services and supports are provided based on needs identified through consultation with members, fairly and within the financial capacity of the charity
- We act according to best practice and in line with our Code of Conduct
- Sensitivity, empathy and confidentiality are central to our communication with polio survivors
- Polio survivors are encouraged and enabled to live their lives with dignity
- We advocate where we can for Social Policy change to encompass the needs of polio survivors
- We cooperate and collaborate with other stakeholders, as appropriate.
More information here.