Parkinson’s and MD Masterclass, Mater Misericordiae, Dublin, 27 October 2022
The annual Parkinson’s and Movement Disorders Masterclass will take place on 27th October 2022.
European Charcot Foundation Meeting
European Charcot Foundation Meeting
Irish Institute of Clinical Neuroscience AGM
The 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Irish Institute of Clinical Neuroscience will take place online via Zoom at 10.00 on September 30th. All members of the IICN are invited…
ERN-RND provides free educational webinars on rare neurological and neuromuscular diseases – in collaboration with the European Reference Network for Rare Neuromuscular Diseases (EURO-NMD) and the European Academy of Neurology (EAN).…
Art of Neuroscience Competition 2022 – winners
IICN’s ‘web guy’ features among the ‘editor’s picks’ in this year’s Art of Neuroscience Competition.
AIMS-RN/NIMS-RN MS Masterclass Symposium
The AIMS-RN/NIMS-RN MS Masterclass Symposium will take place at Queen’s University Belfast from 12 – 13th September.
Registrar’s Prize Meeting, Friday 11 November
The 2022 IICN Registrar’s Prize Meeting, directed by Dr. Karen O’Connell, will take place on Friday, November 11th in the Minerva Room, RDS, Dublin. The Registrar’s Prize meeting presents outstanding…
Prof. William Dauer to deliver lecture at Friday Neuroscience Conference
Prof. William Dauer, MD, UT Southwestern Medical Center, will deliver a lecture at the Friday Neuroscience conference on Friday July 29th at 09.00. The title of Prof. Dauer’s lecture will…
9th Annual World Brain Day July 22nd 2022
On Friday, July 22, the World Federation of Neurology (WFN) is hosting the 9th Annual World Brain Day. WFN is pleased to announce that this year’s theme is Brain Health for…
EBRAINS Networking Event at FENS, Paris, July 11th
EBRAINS Networking Event will take place on Monday on 11 July, at the FENS Forum 2022 in Paris.
Fun Run in aid of Dublin Neurological Institute
The Dublin Neurological Institute Fun Run, to support people living with Mind and Brain Disorders, will take place on Sunday, July 31st 2022.
Neuro-ophthalmology Clinical Fellow
Neuro-ophthalmology Clinical Fellow, Moorfields Eye Hospital, London