Other Neuroscience Research Grants in Ireland
A number of companies and support organisations invite applications for funding for research grants in Ireland, from time to time. This section of the IICN website provides a forum for such organisations to highlight and publicise their Grants.
Call for applications for Epilepsy Ireland 2017 Research Grant
Epilepsy Ireland invites applications for the 2017 – 2018 Epilepsy Research Grant
Opening Date: October 18th 2017
Closing date for pre-application form: November 30th 2017
Closing date for full applications (if shortlisted): January 31st 2018Epilepsy Ireland is committed to supporting Irish epilepsy research and since 2009, over €900,000 has been invested in a wide range of high quality projects, many in conjunction with the Health Research Board under the HRB/MRCG Joint Funding Scheme.
They have now launched their 6th Research Call and invite applications for epilepsy-focused research projects of up to a three-year duration to a maximum of €50,000 p.a. Proposals funded under this call will begin in September 2018.
Research Priorities 2017/2018
For this round of funding, applications applications are invited in one or more of the following research areas:
- AEDs & Pregnancy/ Foetal Anti-Convulsant Syndrome
- Epilepsy & Intellectual Disability
- Evaluating epilepsy services in Ireland (including Epilepsy Ireland services)
- Medicinal Cannabis & Epilepsy
- Psychosocial aspects of epilepsy
- Rare epilepsies
- SUDEP / Epilepsy mortality
Application Process
The closing date for submission of pre application forms is November 30th 2017
For details of the application process please click the link to follow to the Epilepsy Ireland website Epilepsy Ireland Research Grant 2017 – 2018Successful projects will be funded jointly by Epilepsy Ireland and the HRB from September 2018.
For further information, please contact: Peter Murphy, pmurphy(at)epilepsy.ie or 01 4557500
The IICN invites applications for two independent grants of up to €20,000.
The aim of the grants is to support research and educational activities in the clinical neurosciences.
Areas covered
The grants are open to all areas of clinical neurosciences and are not disease specific. The grants may serve to support a larger research project, for example by financing MRI slots or a specific piece of equipment for a larger study. Alternatively, the grant may be used more broadly for an educational project, for example, funding the costs of an invited lecture series.
Eligibility- who should apply?
- Only IICN members in good standing may apply.
- The project must be conducted at a centre in the Republic of Ireland or Northern Ireland.
- Applicants should not have received another IICN grant (eg., Sanofi Genzyme Research Grant) within the previous five years.
- IICN members may submit applications for more than one research or educational purpose. However, an individual applicant will be awarded a maximum of one grant.
Value of the Grants
Two grants of a value up to 20,000 euro each are available.
Proposed start date
The successful applicant will be awarded the grant at the end of September, 2019.
To download an application form please click on the following link IICN Grant Application Form 2019
Applications must be sent by email to info@iicn.ie and one signed copy must be sent by post to: Grants Committee, Irish Institute of Clinical Neuroscience, PO Box 351, Limerick, Ireland.
The deadline for this application is 12th July 2019.
Further information
This Grant application should be read in conjunction with the IICN Grant conditions at the following link IICN Grant Conditions 2019
Please contact the IICN manager by email at info@iicn.ie or by telephone at +353 (0)61 622652 for any queries relating to application or conditions of the grants.
Six applications were received for this Fellowship Grant from Principal Investigators in Ireland and Northern Ireland. Detailed review and assessment was conducted by the scientific committee with specific review by international experts assessors for each application. The award recommended to the IICN Board of Directors was approved and was made to the application from Dr. Colette Donaghy, Altnagelvin Hospital, Derry. The title of Dr. Donaghy’s research is “Validation of circulating exosomal diagnostic and prognostic biomarker candidates for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis”
Dr. Brian Sweeney, IICN Treasurer and Board Member presented the 2018 IICN / Sanofi Genzyme Fellowship Grant award to Dr. Gavin Cluskey, with Mr. Colin Beautyman, Sanof Genzyme, Dr. Stephen Hunt and Dr. Michael Kinney, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast,
Applications were invited for two independent grants of €20,000 each to support research and educational activities in the clinical neurosciences. Eight applications were received and assessed by the Scientific Committee.
Grants were awarded to two projects:- Dr. Jane Cryan, Beaumont Hospital and her team for her project “The Establishment of a Brain Tumour Biobank Facility”
- Prof. Orla Hardiman, Academic Unit of Neurology, Trinity College and her team for her project “Development of Novel Non-invasive Biomarkers in Spinal Muscular Atrophy”