IICN Grant Awards 2020
Four Grant awards were made to support important projects in 2020 as follows:

Dr. Yvonne Langan at the Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, St. James Hospital, Dublin
Project Title: Epilepsy Mortality in Ireland

Dr. Áine Merwick at the Department of Neurology, Cork University Hospital
Project Title: Suppressive Lymphocyte profiles in patients Post Stroke/TIA (SLIPS) study.
Prof. Peter Bede’s Computational Neuroimaging Group in the Biomedical Sciences Institute (TBSI) at Triniy College Dublin
Project Title: The neuroimaging signatures of primary progressive aphasias: characterising dynamic pathological changes in vivo.

Dr John Craig and Dr. Michael Kinney’s team, at the Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust
Project Title: Updating the UK and Ireland Epilepsy and Pregnancy register.