World Parkinson’s Congress, Barcelona

Registration is now open for the 6th World Parkinson Congress, which will take place in Barcelona on 4th-7th July 2023.
“As a Science Ambassador for the WPC, I encourage scientists and clinicians to attend and present their research at this important conference, which offers a unique opportunity for networking and sharing of ideas with professionals as well as people living with Parkinson’s”. – Dr. Jude Bek, Science Ambassador for WPC 2023
Why submit an abstract to the WPC?
WPC is an international, interdisciplinary conference dedicated entirely to Parkinson’s research, treatment, and care. The program includes a range of sessions spanning basic science, clinical science, treatment options, comprehensive care, and living with Parkinson’s, as well as workshops, roundtables and networking opportunities. The Congress takes place every 3 years, with previous locations in North America, Asia, and Europe.
The WPC places great importance on the experience of researchers in sharing their work with colleagues and Parkinson’s advocates. The exchanges that take place during the poster sessions, poster tours, and throughout the conference are crucial to building collaborations and developing relationships between researchers and advocates that is unique in the Parkinson’s community and has had a profound impact on many community members.
Click here for abstract submission information
Late-breaking abstract submission dates for WPC 2023
OPEN – March 20, 2023
DEADLINE – Sunday, April 2, 2023 @ 11:59PM ET.
A limited number of travel grants are available to support early career researchers to attend the WPC.
Please see the WPC website and this short video from the WPC Ambassadors for more information.