INA Meeting 2025 – Call for Abstract Submissions

The 61st Annual Irish Neurological Association Meeting, under the presidency of Dr. Helena Moore, will take place on May 15th and 16th 2025. The venue will be The Rose Hotel, Tralee, Co. Kerry.
Abstract Submissions
Abstracts are invited from all areas of clinical neuroscience for poster or platform presentation at the meeting. Submissions must be supported by a member of the Irish Institute of Clinical Neuroscience.
The word count limit of abstracts is 200 words.
Case Reports abstracts should be formatted under the following headings: Background, Case Description, Investigations/Results of Investigations, Discussion.
Original Research abstracts should be formatted under the following headings: Introduction/Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusion.
Receipt of abstracts will be notified to the presenter, who will again be contacted following selection of abstracts.
To submit your abstract please click here.
The deadline for abstract submission is Friday, March 14th 2025.