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Mr. Ashraf Abouharb
Department of Neurosurgery
Royal Victoria Hospital
Grosvenor Road Belfast United Kingdom
Dr. Michael Alexander
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology
Adelaide and Meath Hospital, Dublin, Incorporating the National Children's Hospital
Tallaght, Dublin 24
Mr. Zulfiqar Ali
Department of Neurosurgery
Hermitage Medical Clinic
Suite 9 Hermitage Medical Clinic Old Lucan Road Dublin 20
Mr. David Alexander Allcutt
Department of Neurosurgery
Beaumont Hospital
Professor Nicholas Allen
Department of Paediatrics
National University of Ireland Galway
Dr. Niamh Bermingham
Department of Neuropathology
Cork University Hospital
Wilton, Cork
Dr. Laura Alexandra Best
Department of Neurology
Craigavon Areas Hospital
68 Lurgan Road Craigavon Co. Armagh
Dr. Peter Boers
Department of Neurology
University Hospital Limerick
Dr Petya Bogdanova-Mihaylova
Tallaght University hospital
Prof. Ciaran Bolger
Department of Neurosurgery
Beaumont Hospital
Beaumont Road Dublin 9
Dr. Geraldine Boylan
Paediatrics and Child Health
University College Cork
Clinical Investigations Unit, Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork
Dr. Teresa Burke
University College Dublin
Belfield Dublin 4
Dr. Aine Carroll
Department of Rehabilitation
National Rehabilitation Hospital
Rochestown Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
Dr. Raymond Carson
Rehabilitation Medicine
National Rehabilitation Hospital, Dublin
Dr. Albi Jose Chalissery
Department of Neurology
Connolly Hospital
Blanchardstown Dublin 15
Dr Sean Connolly
Clinical Neurophysiology
St Vincent's University Hospital
Dr. Susan B Coote
Department of Physiotherapy
University of Limerick
Castletroy, Limerick
Dr. Daniel Joseph Costello
Department of Neurology
Cork University Hospital
Wilton Cork
Dr. Lisa Costelloe
Department of Neurology
Beaumont Hospital
Beaumont Road Dublin 9
Dr. Timothy J Counihan
University College Hospital
Newcastle, Galway.
Dr. John Craig
Royal Victoria Hospital
Grtosvenor Road Belfast
Dr. Simon Cronin
Cork University Hospital
Department of Neurology, Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork
Dr. Jane Cryan
Beaumont Hospital
Beaumont Road, Dublin 9
Dr. Olivier Vincent DeBuyl
Medical Department
Bantry General Hospital
Droumleigh, Bantry, Co. Cork
Dr. Norman Delanty
Department of Neurology
Beaumont Hospital
Beaumont Road, Dublin 9.
Dr. Mark Delargy
National Rehabilitation Hospital
Rochestown Avenue, Dun Laoghaire Dublin
Dr. Emma Devenney
Royal Victoria Hospital
Grosvenor Road Belfast BR12 6BA
Dr. Catherine Dinneen
Beaumont Hospital
Beaumont Road, Dublin 9
Dr. Carolynne Marie Doherty
Royal Victoria Hospital
Dr. Colin Patrick Doherty
Department of Clinical Neurological Sciences
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Beaumont Hospital, Beaumont Road, Dublin 9
Dr. Colette Gerardine Donaghy
Altnagelvin Area Hospital
Glenshane Road, Derry
Mr. John C. Duddy
National Neurosurgical Centre
Beaumont Hospital
Beaumont Road Dublin 9
Dr. Hany El-Naggar
Department of Molecular and Cellular Therapeutics Doctor of Medicine
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Dr. Marwa Elamin
Galway University Hospital
Dr. Michael A Farrell
Beaumont Hospital
Mr. Eoin Fenton
Sports Surgery Clinic
Santry Dublin 9
Dr. Damien Ferguson
Dementia Research Centre
University College London
Dr. Patricia Mary Fitzgerald
Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Patricia Fitzgerald
Dr. Úna Frances Fitzgerald
National University of Ireland
Dr. Mary Fitzsimmons
Department of Neurophysiology
Beaumont Hospital
Beaumont Road, Dublin 9
Dr. Thomas Joseph Flannery
Centre for Cancer Research & Cell Biology
Queen's University Belfast
97 Lisburn Road, Belfast
Dr. Raeburn Forbes
Craigavon Area Hospital
Portadown, Co. Armagh
Dr. Gillian M Fortune
Bon Secours Consultant's Clinic
Dr. Ailsa Jane Fulton
Neurology Department
Ulster Hospital Dundonald
Upper Newtownards Road Belfast
Dr. Roderick Galvin
Cork University Hospital
Department of Neurology Cork University Hospital, Wilton, Cork
Dr. Christopher Gardner-Thorpe
Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital (Wonford)
Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, Barrack Road, Exeter EX2 5DW England
Mr. John Gray
Royal Victoria Hospital
Dr. Orla Gray
Craigavon Area Hospital
68 Lurgan Road, Portadown Co. Armagh
Dr. Nick Gutowski
Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital
Dr. Fatima Hamroush
Eye Department
Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital
Drogheda, Co. Louth.
Professor Orla Hardiman
Beaumont Hospital
Beaumont Road, Dublin 9
Dr. Hugh Harrington
Mercy University Hospital
Dr. Stanley Arthur Hawkins
Medicine - Neurology
Queen’s University Belfast
Room 324, Institute of Clinical Science, Block A, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast
Prof. Daniel Gerard Healy
Beaumont Hospital
Beaumont Road Dublin 9
Dr. Michael Hennessy
University College Hospital Galway
Dr. Brian Herron
Department of Neuropathology
Royal Victoria Hospital
Prof. Michael Hutchinson
St. Vincent
Dr. Michael Ita
Department of Neurosurgery
Cork University Hospital
Wilton Cork
Dr. Parameswaran Mahadeva Iyer
University Hospital Limerick
Dr. Andreas Kenneth Jahnke
Suite 29
Galway Clinic
Doughiska Galway
Mr. George Kaar
Cork University Hospital
Mr. Chandru Kaliaperumal
Department of Paediatric Neurosurgery
Temple Street Children's University Hospital
Temple Street Dublin 2
Dr. Hugh Kearney
St. Vincent's University Hospital
Department of Neurology
Dr. Rachael Kee
Department of Neurology
Royal Victoria Hospital
Grosvenor Road Belfast
Dr. Peter J Kelly
Mater University Hospital
Eccles Street, Dublin 7
Dr. Fiona Louise Kennedy
Brain Repair and Rehabilitation
Institute of Neurology
As above
Dr. Catherine Keohane
Neuropathology Laboratory
Cork University Hospital
Wilton Cork
Dr. Mohamed Ibrahim Khalil
Department of Neurology
Sligo University Hospital
The Mall Sligo
Dr. Nazir A Khan
Regional Neurology / Neuroscience / Clinical Research Unit
Maes’y, Gwernen Hall, Secretaries Office- Morriston SA66N United Kingdom
Dr. Desmond Patrick Kidd
Clinical Neurosciences
Royal Free Hospital
Pond Street, London NW3 2QG
Dr. Ronan Kilbride
Massachusetts General Hospital
Dr. Justin Kinsella
Department of Neurology
Tallaght, Dublin 24
Dr. Kevin James Kyle
Department of Neurology
South West Acute Hospital
124 Irvinestown Road Enniskillen
Dr. Stela Lefter
Department of Neurology
Beaumont Hospital
Beaumont Hospital Dublin
Mr. Chris Chor Hiang Lim
Department of Neurosurgery
Cork University Hospital
Wilton Cork
Dr. Patricia A. Logan
Ophthalmology Department
Beaumont Hospital
Beaumont Road, Dublin 9
Dr. Shane McCarthy Lyons
Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences
John Radcliffe Hospital
Headley Way OX3 9DU United Kingdom
Dr. Eimer Maeve Maloney
Department of Neurology
Cork University Hospital
Wilton Cork
Mr. Charles Marks
Cork University Hospital
Wilton, Cork
Prof. Dominick J. H. McCabe
Department of Neurology
The Adelaide and Meath Hospital, Dublin/ Tallaght University Hospital
Tallaght, Dublin 24
Dr. Mark Owen McCarron
Department of Neurology
Altnagelvin Hospital
Northwestern Regional Neurological Centre, Altnagelvin Hospital, Glenshane Road, Derry
Dr. Jacinta Mary McElligott
Rehabilitation Medicine
National Rehabilitation Hospital
Rochestown Avenue, Dun Laoghaire, Co. Dublin
Prof. Emer McGrath
HRB Clinical Research Facility Galway
National University of Ireland Galway
Dr. Karen McKnight
Department of Neurology
Carigavon Area Hospital
Southern Health and Social Care Trust Craigavon Area Hospital 68 Lurgan Road Portadown Co. Armagh
Prof. Joe B McMenamin
Childrens Neurosciences Department and Department of Paediatrics,
Our Lady's Hospital for Sick Children
Crumlin, Dublin 12
Dr. Ferghal McVerry
Department of Neurology
Altnagelvin Hospital
Glenshane Road Derry
Dr. Áine Merwick
Department of Neurology
Cork University Hospital
Dr. Petya Mihaylova
Department of Neurology
Tallaght University Hospital
Dr. Angela Milan-Tomas
Department of Neurology
Sligo University Hospital
Dr. Fiona M Molloy
Beaumont Hsopital
Beaumont Road, Dublin 9
Dr. Bernadette Monaghan
Nuffield Dept of Clinical Neuroscience
Wolfson Centre for Prevention of Stroke and Dementia, Oxford University
Dr. Helena Moore
Department of Neurology
Bon Secours Hospital
Tralee Co. Kerry
Dr. David Moorhouse
Bons Secours Private Hospital
Glasnevin, Dublin 9
Dr. John H Moran
Bons Secours Hospital
Dublin Road, Galway
Dr. Joan Moroney
Department of Neurology
Beaumont Hospital
Beaumont Road Dublin 9
Dr. Tudor Munteanu
Department of Neurology
Dublin Neurological Institute
57 Eccles Street, Dublin 7
Dr. Kevin Daniel Murphy
Sligo General Hospital
The Mall, Sligo
Prof. Kieran Christopher Murphy
Deparment of Psychiatry
Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland
Education and Research Centre, Smurfit Building, Beaumont Hospital, Dublin 9
Dr. Raymond Murphy
Department of Neurology
Adelaide and Meath Hospital Dublin, Incorporating the National Children's Hospital,
Tallaght Dublin 24
Dr. Richard Ronan Murphy
The Everett Clinic
3901 Hoyt Avenue WA 98201
Prof. Sinead M Murphy
Department of Neurology
Tallaght University Hospital
Tallaght Dublin 24
Dr. Brian Murray
Department of Neurology
Hermitage Medical Clinic
Old Lucan Road Dublin 20
Mr. Jabir Nagaria
Royal Victoria Hospital
Grosvenor Road, Belfast
Dr. Aidan Neligan
Department of Neurology
Homerton University Hospital
Homerton Row, London E9 6SR, United Kingdom.
Dr. Karen Alice O'Connell
Tallaght University Hospital
Dr. Francis Anthony O'Neill
Psychiatry and Neuroscience
Queens University Belfast
Dr. Chika Offiah
Meath Foundation Research Laboratory
Tallaght University Hospital
Dr. Victor Patterson
Dept. of Neurology
Royal Victoria Hospital
Grosvenor Road Belfast
Mr. Niall Patrick Pender
Beaumont Hospital
Beaumont Road, Dublin 9
Prof. Jack Phillips
Beaumont Hospital
Dublin 9
Mr. Christopher Pidgeon
Beaumont Hospital
Beaumont Road, Dublin 9
Mr. Daniel Rawluk
Beaumont Hospital
Dr. Mary Reilly
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
Queen Square, London WC1N 3BG, UK
Professor Richard B. Reilly
Biomedical Engineering
Richard Reilly
Trinity Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Neuroscience Lloyd Building Trinity College Dublin Dublin 2
Mr. William F Riordan
Mater Misericordiae University Hospital
Prof. Ian Hamilton Robertson
Dept of Psychology and Institute of Neuroscience
Trinity College Dublin
Trinity College, Dublin
Dr. Marie Ryan
Academic Unit of Neurology
Trinity Biological Sciences Institute
152 - 160 Pearse Street, Dublin 2
Mr. Jahangir Sajjad
Department of Neurosurgery
Cork University Hospital
Wilton Cork
Professor Amre Shahwan
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology
Temple Street Children's University Hospital
Dr. Cristina Simoes-Franklin
Cochlear Implant Department
Beaumont Hospital
Dr. Eimear Marie Smith
Department of Spinal Cord System of Care
National Rehabilitation Hospital
Rochestown Avenue Dun Laoghaire Co. Dublin
Dr. Shane Smyth
Department of Neurology
Adelaide and Meath Hospital, incorporating the National Children's Hospital
Tallaght Dublin 24
Dr. Sandya Tirupathi
Department of Paediatric Neurology
Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children
Falls Road Belfast
Dr. David Vaughan
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London
Dr. Ronan Walsh
Hermitage Medical Clinic
Old Lucan Road, Dublin 20
Prof. David William Matthew Webb
Dept. of Paediatric Neurology
Children's Health Ireland Crumlin
Crumlin Dublin 12
Dr. Peter Widdess-Walsh
Deparment of Neurosciences
UPMC Beacon Hospital
Sandyford Road Dublin 18
Dr. Yaseen Yacoob
University Hospital Limerick
Mr. Steven Young
Beaumont Hospital
Beaumont Road, Dublin 9