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Presentation submission form vINA 2021

    Video file – please:

    1. enter the name of the video file:

    2. submit this form

    3. then follow this link to upload the file ((MP4, MOV or M4V format only for the video file). (Submitting the form does not cause a page reload; the form entries will clear, but the link will remain.)

    If you have any questions or difficulties with using this form, please contact us!

    Presentation specifications

    • To be provided as a video file which includes audio

    • Format MP4, MOV or M4V

    • Minimum resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels (16:9 widescreen ratio)

    • Mono audio is sufficient

    • Duration of no more than 10 minutes

    • File name: The name of the presentation file should include the presenter’s name

    Visit this page for Microsoft advice on saving a presentation as a movie.

    Tips for talking to camera

    • Work from a quiet room

    • Use neutral background

    • Create good lighting

    • Use laptop, not phone

    • Raise your webcam to eye level

    • Use a good microphone

    • Look at camera, not screen, when talking